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Industry Involvement

Industry involvement 

Camera Clinic management are members of PMA & DIMA.       Laurie is an honoree life member of PMA and was the past PMA Chairman for Victoria 

PMA:  Photo Marketing Association 

Camera Clinic provide lectures at the PMA seminars for the professional photographer and general public. Providing the audience with general service information, maintaining your own equipment, card recoveries, CCD-Imager cleaning and camera principals.

Camera Clubs: 

We provide lectures for Camera clubs, Government departments and Photographic schools/collages. Photographic technical work shops and VIP information seminars are held at Camera Clinic, for any information or bookings please call 1300 72 10 70. 

VIP seminars: 

Information evenings held for our VIP cliental, providing them with drinks and nibbles, service/maintenance information and question and answers. 

Photographic technical work shops: 

Schools, Colleges, retail stores, Government departments and camera clubs can book a technical work shop information day/night. Work shop tours, information regarding repairs, maintenance, card recoveries, design and manufacture projects and question and answers.         

Display # 
Technician position 48216
Industry Involvement 35656